Project Background
Turn Key Air Conditioning are a specialist in the design, supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems. As their business has grown rapidly, they realised that they needed to transform their business from a paper-based organisation to a digital organisation.
The Challenge
Turn Key Air Conditioning's systems were paper-based from the point that jobs were allocated to engineers through to the process of filling job sheets in and processing those sheets in the back office. This was a slow, manual process that needed to be streamlined for efficiency.
The Solution
An Android mobile App was developed for the field service engineers so that they could download their jobs in real time and upload job information as they worked. Job information includes:
- Worksheets
- Materials used
- Photographs of access and installations
- Time spent travelling and on site
and many others.
Due to the environments that the engineers work in, the mobile App works with and without an internet connection. The mobile App then submits the job information (via the Cloud) to a cloud-hosted back office web application.
The back office team are able to see job results in real time which enables them to effectively plan ahead, solve problems and process jobs far more quickly than before. Integration with finance systems enables more rapid and accurate billing of customers which improves cashflow across the business.
Digital transformation made a huge difference to this company’s efficiency. If you would like to learn more about digital transformation for your business, please check out our post on how cloud computing works or get in touch with us at McKenna Consultants today.