Friday Flash! 30th November 2018
It’s been a while, but we’re starting up our Friday Flash again! This is where we keep you guys up to date with everything that’s been going on around here.
JR Ewing
First off, we’re spending a lot of time out in Dallas. If you have visions of Southfork Ranch, glamorous evening gowns and high-powered meeting with billionaires… Yep – that’s exactly what it’s like! We’re involved in a SAFe transformation (Scaled Agile Framework) roll out for a well known drinks company and it’s going great!
Web Applications
We’re also building a next-generation progressive web app product for a new client. It’s hush hush so we can’t say too much about it other than it’s built using the latest .Net Core, Angular and cloud technologies. Hopefully we can do a case study on this soon!
Product Configuration
We’re also building a complex web configuration (again in Typescript and Angular) system for engineering components. Again, we can’t say much about this now, but hopefully another case study soon!
Azure Functions
We’ve also been developing some new pricing Azure functions to provide a single point of reference for pricing complex engineering components. We love Azure and we love Azure function most of all as they provide us with a highly scalable, serverless, low-cost way of deploying critical business functions.
Walks In The Rain
And one last thing… Our office dog (Brodie) has been enjoying her walks in the Yorkshire rain this week. Here she is looking cute just moments before eating a very dead rabbit….
Posted in: News